The Angers, Le Mans and Tours Triangle Find the right place on the map and there are three beautiful historic French cities to visit within 40 minutes, and be right in... read more
The Loire France
30th September 2014
30th September 2014
The Angers, Le Mans and Tours Triangle Find the right place on the map and there are three beautiful historic French cities to visit within 40 minutes, and be right in... read more
7th September 2014
Moving to Hungary /Moving to Germany/ Moving to Austria/Moving to France Moving to Budapest? Moving to Vienna? Moving to Munich? Moving to Stuttgart? Moving to Strasbourg? M... read more
5th September 2014
Moving to Germany W/C 15-9-14 Moving to Stuttgart /Moving to Munich / Moving to Kassel How can I get my furniture and belongings transported to Germany? Britannia Appleyar... read more
1st September 2014
Moving to Holland/Moving to Germany/ Moving to Belgium /European Relocation Britannia Appleyard of South and West Yorkshire has a removal van leaving for Holland, Germany and ... read more
26th August 2014
Moving to France /Taking furniture and effects from the UK Britannia Appleyard of South Yorkshire has a removal van leaving for France on the 26-8-14. Current schedule is ... read more
12th August 2014
Moving to Luxembourg / Living in Luxembourg Britannia Appleyard of South and West Yorkshire has a removal van leaving for Luxembourg on the 12th August 2014. Current sch... read more